Open Tuesday–Sunday
Valdštejnská 18, Praha 1
Info: +420 257 533 455
Organizers: The National Pedagogical Museum and Library of J. A. Comenius; Technical University of Liberec, The Institute of History of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Centre for the History of Education), Charles University Prague, Palacký University Olomouc, Karlsruhe University of Education, Alanus University of Arts and Social Sciences Mannheim, Augsburg University, Humboldt University Berlin
Conference venue: The National Pedagogical Museum and the Library of J. A. Comenius Prague – Valdštejnská 20, Prague 1
Dates: 20 and 21 June 2024
Study travel has always been a vital element in the formation of medieval knowledge, modern educational science and didactics as well as the enlightenment and modern concept of education itself. From the beginning of the modern era, the transfer of educational experience influenced the debate about the aim of education: to teach all people everything and in all ways.
More information on the programme HERE.
Registration form HERE
Conference Programme HERE
Organizers: The National Pedagogical Museum and Library of J. A. Comenius; Charles University Prague; The Institute of History of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Centre for the History of Education); University of Zurich; University of Dresden
Conference venue: The National Pedagogical Museum and the Library of J. A. Comenius Prague – Valdštejnská 20, Prague 1
Dates: 19 and 20 June 2023
Distress, poverty, crisis (not only the current energy crisis), war, epidemic but also aid, solidarity, hope, and support – these concepts have dominated the broader sociopolitical, cultural, historical, and pedagogical discourse of the last two years. The crises arising from the coronavirus pandemic and the war in Ukraine have swiftly and radically tested our confidence in the success and stability of European integration, in our ability to listen to one another and to recognize and overcome our many significant economic, cultural, and historical differences.
More information on the programme HERE.
The National Pedagogical Museum and Library of J. A. Comenius (NPMC) as a cooperating organization will join a venture called Museum Night on August 23, 2022 and endorse negotiations of professional sections, especially the CECA (International Committee for Education and Cultural Action). The committee members introduce professionals working both in research and practical activities in the fields of museum education and public relations.
§ August 22 2022: Festive opening (National Technical Museum and National Agricultural Museum / Letná + Letná chateau)
§ August 23 2022: Museum Night (venture - 7 – Prague museums / incl. NPMC)
§ August 25 and 26 2022: NPMC the Conference (by one day shorter bacause of its hybrid form), incl. Museum Fair (Prague Congress Centre again)
§ August 25 2022: Off-site meetings – presentations in diverse forms (Ad CECA – NPMC)
More information on the programme HERE.
This international conference was held on the occasion of the 430th anniversary of the birth of Comenius, the 140th anniversary of the Czech-German division of the Charles-Ferdinand University in Prague, and the 130th anniversary of the founding of the Comenius Pedagogical Museum.
More information about the conference HERE.
On March 31, 2022 at 10.30 a.m. Markéta Pánková presented a paper entitled J.A. Comenius in Czech and world creative arts at a spiritual-cultural meeting „Comenius – a Messenger of Understanding“ held at Comenius Hall in the collegium of Czechoslovak Hussite Church. Visitors could also buy books on Comenius or see an exhibition J.A. Comenius. Education for All from the collections of Comenius National Pedagogical Museum and Library.
This venture took place prior to the ICOM General conference in 2022. Its task was to discuss main themes to be put under debate at the general conference. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the themes were discussed with regards to the pandemic impacts.
To mark the 150th anniversary of the introduction of a law on the rules for elementary school teaching (the so-called Hasner law), this conference was organized by the State Regional Archive Prague, State District Archive Kolín, Comenius National Pedagogical Museum and Library and Primary school Kolín V, Mnichovická street.
In 2019, NPMC, in the role of the main coordinator of trial verification, organized a joint meeting of teachers and educators in culture. The nation-wide professional colloquium, supported by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, took place on October 7, 2019 at the Ministry’s main hall.
This event, focused on the theme The quality of teaching pupils was aimed to evaluate the previous development of the project. The most significant results of the second round of the trial verification were announced, and updated information on the changes in the Framework educational programme for primary education was handed over.
This international conference was held in Prague on May 16-17, 2019. It had commenced
a series of further activities to be added to national celebrations of Comenius’ anniversaries in 2020-2022.
Marking the 100th anniversary of the establishment of independent Czechoslovakia Comenius National Pedagogical Museum and Library, Technical University Liberec and Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich, in collaboration with the Czech Senate and under the auspices of Minister of Education, Youth and Sports Robert Plaga organized this international conference.
The main goal of the conference with experts from 12 European countries and Azerbaijan participating, was to analyse the concepts of a reform of education and society, changes in pedagogical science and a transfer of scientific knowledge in the field of pedagogy between the European countries and the USA. Also discussed were the role of school in social issues, modernization of the teaching process and the development of school systems in the newly established states.
The symposium on the history of culture and education, held on April 25-27 2017, was principally meant as a challenge for boosting interbranch extention. Its main objective was not only to show the links between historical events and their geographical concretization, but also to point to personalities of educators who brought home new knowledge from their study stays far from their town, region, country or continent.
Comenius National Pedagogical Museum and Library, the Natural Science and Humanities Faculty, Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Technical University Liberec organized this conferece on October 17, 2016 with financial support from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.
This international conference highlighted joint endeavours of many educators and forgotten pedagogical personalities who contributed to the preservation or revitalisation of human dignity in those most vulnerable - children - in the tragic 20th century.