School and war. Civil defence education in Czech schools

The exhibition examines the history of the school teaching subject “civil defence education” in its complexity: wide general public can still subconsciously remember the socialist form of civil defence education teaching, but this subject had for the first time appeared at the time between the two world wars, when Czechoslovak republic faced a threat from the part of Nazi Germany. The real roots, however, can be traced back to the times of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy.


Our spelling books. History and present

As part of its own book stocks, Comenius Pedagogical Library has prepared an exhibition devoted to spelling books published on the Czech territory since mid-16th century. In a chronological view it shows the development of spelling books, from faith-teaching books to a specialized “joyful children’s book which can talk with the child as a friend”. The part displaying current spellers was put together by the Fraus publishing house, and it shows the process of how a new speller comes into being.

A New Republic is Here

A New Republic is Here

February 1, 2018 – December 31, 2018

Valdštejnská 18, Praha 1, ground floor.

This year The National Pedagogical Museum and Library of J. A. Comenius commemorates the 100th aniversary of the commencement of Czechoslovakia by two exhibitions:  an "introductory" exhibition  A New Republic  is Here about the interwar republic and the "main" exhibition  New School  in the New Republic about children both at school and during their everyday life in Czechoslovakia between two world wars.

COMenius in COMics: A drawn life of the “Teacher of nations”

COMenius in COMic

A unique exhibition which for the first time ever introduces the life story and work of Jan Amos Comenius (1592-1670) in a comics form. The exhibition came into existence in cooperation with UNESCO, and it is a part of National celebrations organized to pay tribute to Comenius. They are held from 2020 to 2022 to commemorate the 350th death anniversary (2020) of the Teacher of nations and the 430th anniversary of his birth (2022).

Prehistoric, to the board! How prehistoric man found his way to the schools


The new exhibition from 7 October 2022 in National Pedagogical Musem!

The exhibition presents the history of teaching about our earliest history. It can be found in the ground floor of the museum, including the historic cellar, where the only mammoth hunters' cave in the Mala Strana in Prague is located.